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Elements of page

  1. Measurements of temperature and humidity.

    For each measurement, field for editing the name and current reading.

  2. Differential readings.

    It contains a reading and a configuration form.

  3. Digital inputs.

    The upper part contains the name edit box and current status. In the bottom part there are configuration fields (more here).

Configuration of digital inputs

The digital inputs are in a pull-up configuration (pull-up to a high state).


Determines whether the logic of the digital input should be inverted, i.e. 0 will be high, and 1 will be low.

Bistable work

Selecting the checkbox with the value 0 results in entering the 2-state mode. Association of this input with the output in Events will give the following effect: the first low state (press) will change the output, the second press will return the output. The main application is the parallel control of the outputs automatically according to the preset parameters and the parallel use of the bell button. You can also control the lighting with use of the motion sensor or light barrier.

Selecting the checkbox with the entered value (number of seconds) will return the state of the associated service after this time.