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MQTT client

MQTT Client page embbeds user's MQTT client for connecting with server using WebSockets. You can use this page for testing your devices, for controlling them or something else. Connection to server is created right as you open this page, with use of your personal MQTT client credentials, so there is no setup required.

Page description

Below is description of MQTT client page.

  1. Connection panel where you can configure MQTT client (defaults to the user's client on our server and is handled automatically, so in normal use you don't need to care about it). There is also visible connection status.
  2. Subscriptions panel with a form for adding new subscriptions and list of already subscribed topics. QoS is described in Mosquitto documentation.
  3. Publish panel where you can send MQTT messages to chosen topic. The QoS option is described in Mosquitto documentation. Auxiliary options to be selected Clear after sending, Send on ENTER, which respectively clear the contents of the Message field after sending the message and send the message after pressing the ENTER key inside Message field (to insert the ENTER character use SHIFT+ENTER).
  4. Messages panel lists messages received on subscribed topics. The upper part includes functions for filtering messages by topic and by payload, limiting number of displayed messages and clearing them.
  5. List of topics for your devices with few special ones to make publishing/subscribing easier. It is available next to topic field in Publish and Subscriptions sections.

MQTT client page