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Add an event entry.

GET /inpa.cgi?event=A*B*C*D*E*F*G*H*I*J*K*L*M*N*O*P
  • A is the item to be set, integer 0-19
  • B, H are inputs (sources) for conditions, integer 0-53, 100-118, 123-126 for HW 3.5+ SW 1.49, 0-26, 50-67 for HW 3.0

        "0": "VCC",
        "1": "INPA1",
        "2": "INPA2",
        "3": "INPA3",
        "4": "INPA4",
        "5": "INPA5",
        "6": "INPA6",
        "7": "TEMP",
        "8": "T1",
        "9": "H1",
        "18": "P1",
        "10": "DS1",
        "11": "DS2",
        "12": "DS3",
        "13": "DS4",
        "14": "DS5",
        "15": "DS6",
        "22": "DS7",
        "23": "DS8",
        "16": "DIFF1",
        "17": "DIFF2",
        "26": "DIFF3",
        "47": "DIFF4", // added in SW 1.49
        "48": "DIFF5", // added in SW 1.49
        "49": "DIFF6", // added in SW 1.49
        "31": "distance sensor", // added in SW 1.21
        "19": "CO2/GMQ125", // changed in SW 1.49 
        "24": "PM1.0",
        "20": "PM2.5",
        "25": "PM4.0",
        "21": "PM10.0",
        "27": "POWER1", // added in SW 1.19
        "28": "POWER2", // added in SW 1.19
        "29": "POWER3", // added in SW 1.19
        "30": "POWER4", // added in SW 1.19
        "50": "POWER5", // added in SW 1.49
        "51": "POWER6", // added in SW 1.49
        "32": "ENERGY1", // added in SW 1.40
        "33": "ENERGY2", // added in SW 1.40
        "34": "ENERGY3", // added in SW 1.40
        "35": "ENERGY4", // added in SW 1.40
        "52": "ENERGY5", // added in SW 1.49
        "53": "ENERGY6", // added in SW 1.49
        "36": "m1", // added in SW 1.40
        "37": "m2", // added in SW 1.40
        "38": "m3", // added in SW 1.40
        "39": "m4", // added in SW 1.40
        "40": "m5", // added in SW 1.40
        "41": "m6", // added in SW 1.40
        "42": "m7", // added in SW 1.40
        "43": "m8", // added in SW 1.40
        "44": "m9", // added in SW 1.40
        "45": "m10", // added in SW 1.40
        "46": "Dew Point", // added in SW 1.45b
        "100": "INPD1",
        "101": "INPD2",
        "102": "INPD3",
        "103": "INPD4",
        "112": "OUT0",
        "113": "OUT1",
        "114": "OUT2",
        "115": "OUT3",
        "116": "OUT4",
        "117": "OUT5",
        "104": "EVENT1",
        "105": "EVENT2",
        "106": "EVENT3",
        "107": "EVENT4",
        "108": "EVENT5",
        "109": "EVENT6",
        "110": "EVENT7",
        "111": "EVENT8",
        "118": "MQTT CONNECTION", // added in SW 1.19
        "123": "PWM0", // added in SW 1.43e
        "124": "PWM1", // added in SW 1.43e
        "125": "PWM2", // added in SW 1.43e
        "126": "PWM3", // added in SW 1.43e
        "0": "VCC",
        "1": "INPA1",
        "2": "INPA2",
        "3": "INPA3",
        "4": "INPA4",
        "5": "INPA5",
        "6": "INPA6",
        "7": "TEMP",
        "8": "T1",
        "9": "H1",
        "10": "DS1",
        "11": "DS2",
        "12": "DS3",
        "13": "DS4",
        "14": "DS5",
        "15": "DS6",
        "16": "DIFF1",
        "17": "DIFF2",
        "18": "P1",
        "19": "CO2",
        "20": "PM2.5",
        "21": "PM10.0",
        "22": "DS7",
        "23": "DS8",
        "24": "PM1.0",
        "25": "PM4.0",
        "26": "DIFF3",
        "27": "POWER1", // added in SW 1.19
        "28": "POWER2", // added in SW 1.19
        "29": "POWER3", // added in SW 1.19
        "30": "POWER4", // added in SW 1.19
        "31": "distance sensor", // added in SW 1.21
        "32": "ENERGY1", // added in SW 1.40
        "33": "ENERGY2", // added in SW 1.40
        "34": "ENERGY3", // added in SW 1.40
        "35": "ENERGY4", // added in SW 1.40
        "36": "m1", // added in SW 1.40
        "37": "m2", // added in SW 1.40
        "38": "m3", // added in SW 1.40
        "39": "m4", // added in SW 1.40
        "40": "m5", // added in SW 1.40
        "41": "m6", // added in SW 1.40
        "42": "m7", // added in SW 1.40
        "43": "m8", // added in SW 1.40
        "44": "m9", // added in SW 1.40
        "45": "m10", // added in SW 1.40
        "46": "Dew Point", // added in SW 1.45b
        "50": "INPD1",
        "51": "INPD2",
        "52": "INPD3",
        "53": "INPD4",
        "54": "EVENT1",
        "55": "EVENT2",
        "56": "EVENT3",
        "57": "EVENT4",
        "58": "OUT0",
        "59": "OUT1",
        "60": "OUT2",
        "61": "OUT3",
        "62": "OUT4",
        "63": "OUT5",
        "64": "EVENT5",
        "65": "EVENT6",
        "66": "EVENT7",
        "67": "EVENT8",
        "68": "MQTT CONNECTION", // added in SW 1.19
        "73": "PWM0", // added in SW 1.43e
        "74": "PWM1", // added in SW 1.43e
        "75": "PWM2", // added in SW 1.43e
        "76": "PWM3", // added in SW 1.43e
  • C, I are values for Operator in conditions, 0|1|= (0 - >=, 1 - <)

  • D, J are reference values for conditions, integer (0-1 for digital source, value multiplied by 100 for analog source)
  • E, K are hysteresis for conditions, integer (value multiplied by 100)
  • F is operator between conditions, integer 0-5

        "0": "-",
        "1": "AND",
        "2": "OR",
        "3": "NAND",
        "4": "NOR",
        "5": "XOR",
  • G is action to take, integer 0-49 (0-23, 25-61 for HW 3.5+ SW < 1.45, 0-43, 49-56 for HW 3.0)

        "0": "OUT0",
        "1": "OUT1",
        "2": "OUT2",
        "3": "OUT3",
        "4": "OUT4",
        "5": "OUT5",
        "6": "PWM0",
        "7": "PWM1",
        "8": "PWM2",
        "9": "PWM3",
        "10": "EVENT1",
        "11": "EVENT2",
        "12": "EVENT3",
        "13": "EVENT4",
        "14": "EVENT5",
        "15": "EVENT6",
        "16": "EVENT7",
        "17": "EVENT8",
        "18": "AutoSwitch OUT0",
        "19": "AutoSwitch OUT1",
        "20": "AutoSwitch OUT2",
        "21": "AutoSwitch OUT3",
        "22": "AutoSwitch OUT4",
        "23": "AutoSwitch OUT5",
        "24": "HTTP1",
        "25": "HTTP2",
        "26": "HTTP3",
        "27": "HTTP4",
        "28": "eMail 1",
        "29": "eMail 2",
        "30": "eMail 3",
        "31": "eMail 4",
        "32": "SMS1",
        "33": "SMS2",
        "34": "SMS3",
        "35": "SMS4",
        "36": "RESET ENERGY1",
        "37": "RESET ENERGY2",
        "38": "RESET ENERGY3",
        "39": "RESET ENERGY4",
        "48": "RESET ENERGY5", // added in SW 1.49
        "49": "RESET ENERGY6", // added in SW 1.49
        "40": "SNMP trap",
        "41": "MQTT",
        "42": "OLED ON/NEXT SCREEN",
        "43": "OLED - SET SCREEN 1", // added in SW 1.49
        "44": "OLED - SET SCREEN 2", // added in SW 1.49
        "45": "OLED - SET SCREEN 3", // added in SW 1.49
        "46": "OLED - SET SCREEN 4", // added in SW 1.49
        "47": "ENABLE PID", // added in SW 1.49
        "0": "OUT0=0",
        "1": "OUT0=1",
        "2": "OUT1=0",
        "3": "OUT1=1",
        "4": "OUT2=0",
        "5": "OUT2=1",
        "6": "OUT3=0",
        "7": "OUT3=1",
        "8": "OUT4=0",
        "9": "OUT4=1",
        "10": "OUT5=0",
        "11": "OUT5=1",
        "12": "PWM0=0",
        "13": "PWM0=1",
        "14": "PWM1=0",
        "15": "PWM1=1",
        "16": "PWM2=0",
        "17": "PWM2=1",
        "18": "PWM3=0",
        "19": "PWM3=1",
        "20": "http1",
        "21": "http2",
        "22": "http3",
        "23": "http4",
        "24": "eMail", // only in HW 3.0
        "25": "SNMP trap",
        "26": "SMS1",
        "27": "SMS2",
        "28": "SMS3",
        "29": "SMS4",
        "30": "EVENT5=0",
        "31": "EVENT5=1",
        "32": "EVENT6=0",
        "33": "EVENT6=1",
        "34": "EVENT7=0",
        "35": "EVENT7=1",
        "36": "EVENT8=0",
        "37": "EVENT8=1",
        "38": "AutoSwitch_OUT0",
        "39": "AutoSwitch_OUT1",
        "40": "AutoSwitch_OUT2",
        "41": "AutoSwitch_OUT3",
        "42": "AutoSwitch_OUT4",
        "43": "AutoSwitch_OUT5",
        "44": "MQTT", // only in HW 3.5+
        "45": "eMail 1", // only in HW 3.5+
        "46": "eMail 2", // only in HW 3.5+
        "47": "eMail 3", // only in HW 3.5+
        "48": "eMail 4", // only in HW 3.5+
        "49": "EVENT1=0",
        "50": "EVENT1=1",
        "51": "EVENT2=0",
        "52": "EVENT2=1",
        "53": "EVENT3=0",
        "54": "EVENT3=1",
        "55": "EVENT4=0",
        "56": "EVENT4=1",
        "57": "RESET ENERGY1", // added in SW 1.40
        "58": "RESET ENERGY2", // added in SW 1.40
        "59": "RESET ENERGY3", // added in SW 1.40
        "60": "RESET ENERGY4", // added in SW 1.40
        "61": "OLED ON/NEXT SCREEN", // added in SW 1.44
  • L is the off delay, i.e. the time in seconds by which the deactivation of the action will be delayed after the condition is no longer met. To be set only for OUT, PWM, EVENT actions. Integer.

  • M is the value for actions of the type OUT, PWM, EVENT (for the others it has no effect). Available from HW 3.5+ SW 1.45. An integer 0-2.

        "0": "0",
        "1": "1",
        "2": "Reverse",
  • N is the on delay, i.e. the time in seconds by which the activation of the action will be delayed after the condition is met. To be set only for OUT, PWM, EVENT actions. Available from HW 3.5+ SW 1.57. Integer.

  • O is dependence on the result of the conditions of another event. Available from HW 3.5+ SW 1.57. Integer 0-40 (0 - inactive, 1-20 - conditions not met, respectively for EV 1 - EV 20, 21-40 - conditions are met, respectively for EV 1 - EV 20).
  • P Mode option for Action in Events. It allows you to specify when the event action will be performed - when the condition begins to be met, when it stops being met, or both (default behavior, compatible with previous versions of the software). Available from HW 3.5+ SW 1.57. An integer 0-2.

        "0": "Action when the condition starts or stops to be met",
        "1": "Action only when the condition starts to be met",
        "2": "Action only when the condition stops to be met",



Make event entry permanent (execution).

GET /inpa.cgi?eventper=A*B
  • A is index of entry, integer 0-19
  • B determines whether the function is enabled, integer 0-1



Enable the event entry.

GET /inpa.cgi?eventon=A*B
  • A is index of entry, integer 0-19
  • B determines whether the function is enabled, integer 0-1



Delete event entry.

GET /inpa.cgi?eventdel=A
  • A is index of entry, integer 0-19


Deleting an item will move all subsequent items. For example, when you delete an item in position 4, the item in position 5 will be moved to position 4, 6 to 5, etc.
